Vote Mo Green for NC State Superintendent!
Moms for Mo is a grassroots, all-volunteer organizing effort coordinated by moms across NC who want to help elect Maurice “Mo” Green as NC State Superintendent.
Mo is who we trust.
Experience matters.
Character matters.
We are voting for Mo because experience and character matters.
We know that thriving public schools are essential for thriving communities. Mo Green is the compassionate, experienced education leader that our children, educators and communities deserve as State Superintendent.
In contrast, Mo’s opponent, Republican Michelle Morrow, has a clear record of dangerous ideas and actions paired with a lack of experience to do the job of State Superintendent that would only diminish and degrade our public schools. Our children deserve better. North Carolina deserves better.
We deserve a leader like Mo who will work every day to ensure we have well-funded public schools that serve all children and strengthen communities.
Moms, kids, educators, and neighbors who love our public schools are coming together across North Carolina to have Vote for Mo yard sign making events.
Find or organize an event near you!
Together, we can elect Mo!
We are excited about the progress North Carolina could make toward strengthening our public schools for all kids and in all communities with Mo Green as our State Superintendent. As a group of working moms, we trust Mo to lead our schools.
Moms for Mo builds support for Mo Green’s campaign by helping our friends and neighbors know that the State Superintendent race matters to all North Carolinians, organizing community events to make Vote for Mo yard signs, and amplifying messages of support for Mo Green's campaign across social media platforms.
Together, we can defend and strengthen our public schools. For all children. For all communities.